Tag archives for: Scripting languages

May 24, 2015

Golden Oldies: Server Side Includes

If you are using ColdFusion, Active Server Pages, PHP or another server-side scripting language, you have the ability to create server-side include files. These are text files containing code that is inserted into your pages before the web server sends them to visiting web browsers. Because multiple HTML pages can link to the same include file, it is also possible to change the include file and have it instantly update in all of the pages that use it. Although similar to linking scripts, include Read more [...]
May 24, 2015

Dreamweaver Asset Maintenance in a New Site Build

I've recently found a whole bunch of tips, tricks and just plain common sense articles and snippets I wrote over a decade ago in relation to Macromedia Dreamweaver. Whilst they may be a slightly archaic, they are still relevant to this day in CS6 and CC versions. The following lists suggests several ways to get the most out of existing assets during a site redesign without letting those assets undermine your ability to create a new site optimized for maintenance. • Don’t throw everything Read more [...]
June 20, 2002

Creating a Command With Zero Programming

In this tutorial, you will create a Fireworks command using the History panel. The History panel stores all of your actions in Fireworks as you work. You can then group a sequence of these actions, and save them as a command. The History panel, therefore, is great for recording sequences of actions that you use over and over. You just perform the sequence once, save it as a command, and then the next time you need to perform that sequence of actions, just run the command from the Commands menu and make Fireworks do all the work. Read more [...]