Tag archives for: Transition

April 15, 2007

Iris Wipe Transition Effect v1.0 for Adobe Flash CS3

In this Flash Panel we have 2 more scripted effects that take advantage of the built in screen transitions and automatically writes all the code for you: Iris: A simple Iris transitional effect for your Movie Clips, giving you control over the duration, easing, start location of the iris transition ('top center', 'bottom center' etc), as well as the shape ('square' or 'circle') Wipe: The industry standard wipe, with control of duration, easing and start location.   Read more [...]
April 15, 2007

Blinds Transition v1.0 for Adobe Flash CS3

Create nifty blinds transitions for your Movie Clips, with all the code automatically created for you in this exciting new panel from Phireworx