Image Edger PRO v1.0 has been released today. Read the information in the last blog entry (below), or click here to view more details.
Download the PDF User Guide and take a look at what this exciting new extension can achieve
Just released Batch Resizer Percent; a nifty tool for rapid batch resizing of folders of images.
You select the source image folder, the destination folder, file prefix (rs is default, stands for resize), and the percentage to resize the source image to and Batch Resizer Percent does the rest. Available from the usual place
I’ve opened the gallery for submissions, and although in beta phase, it will readily accept your uploads.
I’ll be working on this over the next few days to get the thumbnail and auto-approval working!
Start your submissions!!!!
I’ve added a book section to the website, to give a little information on my upcoming book which is due out very very shortly, you can access it via the book icon in the upper navigation, or by clicking here
Last week we introduced you to the Wave Auto Shape. This week we will introduce the Ribbon Auto Shape. As stated last week, these two Auto Shapes were created by Hiroshi Miyazawa, who works for Macromedia on the Fireworks QA team.
Brian Edgin has written a new free tutorial over at Community MX, which includes one of the best free Auto Shapes I’ve seen in a long time; the Ribbon AutoShape.
Click here to view the article and download the new Auto Shape
Elegant interface design *is* achievable with Flash. You just need to know the basics, and be keen to experiment! Steve explains and applies the essentials as he creates a great interface in this step-by-step tutorial.